Tuesday, April 9, 2013

olive oil- not the cute girlfriend.

well, i learned about something new today. oil pulling. have you heard of oil pulling? i hadn't. well, for those of you that don't know, i am all for natural remedies that make my family healthy and save some money in the process. so as i read i thought 'suuuure, why not? we'll give it a try.'
i'm going  to be honest- it is by far the grossest thing i've tried.
now, don't get me wrong, i'm going to continue on this adventure and i encourage you to atleast try it, but i'm not going to give you some sugared-up version of the evoo (extra virgin olive oil) experience. you would come back with pitchforks.
anywho, here's how this goes. all of the swishing experience i've had has been a watery liquid- listerine... salt water... plain water, you get the idea- until today. i plopped the tablespoon full of evoo into my mouth and struggled around the thicker-than-i-was-expecting gunk. five minutes went by...six...seven...seven and a half...eight... by this time i'm dying. it is gross- oil pulling works by pulling metals and gunk from your body through your mouth. metals and gunk taste horrid. i spit at ten minutes and decided the twenty minute mark is a goal in the distant future. when you spit, the evoo has turned a gunky gross yelloweygreen gross color and i had the film in my mouth and blegh. however, my mouth felt better than normal- like dentist cleaning almost, and my teeth haven't been as sensitive today.
well, now that you know way more than anyone would ever need to know about the process, here is the point- i'm going to continue doing this once or twice a day and keep track of what happens- with me, my husband and my brother in law- both of which i totally suckered into doing this with me:D

also! i made laundry 'sauce' and fabric softener, both of which i found on pinterest. they turned out fantastically! got a half gallon of sauce- about 130 loads, according to the recipe which can be found here. and about three/fourths of a gallon of yummy citrus softener- that recipe can be found here. i'm super proud of how they came out and the fact that it all cost less than ten dollars- by all i mean all ingredients and the jars! so have a picture of my laundry supplies :D the sauce is on top(:

let me know if you try these recipes, and have a wonderful wednesday night all!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

giveaway you say?

i have been invited to two giveaways. not one, but two! ahh, i can't contain myself! i'm excited and honored and excited and well- you get the idea(: more info on that to come later! i hope you're all having a fantastic thursday!

Friday, March 22, 2013


bloggity, blog, blog, blog. who  knew it would be this difficult to think of something to say? anywhoo-
today is day two of my other half being out in the field doing training things- he'll be back in far too many days. we miss him here!
my darling nudge is having fun squishing to death eating some bananas, and my sister is at work. so what is a hooker to do? hook up some cute sandals for nudge's first spring/summer, of course! there will be pictures soon(: have a wonderful friday, all!

Monday, March 11, 2013


i have a follower! i have a follower that isn't related/married to me. yeah, that made my day(: thank you Kim!
anywho- new listing up today
flower buttons!
and because i have such a beautiful ham, here is a picture for an upcoming listing(: have a wonderful monday!
don't forget the coupon code PIXIE that gives you 20% off your whole order! this will be available intil april 1st(:

Saturday, March 9, 2013

some saturday.

good morning! it's been wonderfully drizzly and
cool the last couple of days, providing perfect weather for new projects and a few cups of chai. my husband just got home from a twenty-four hour shift, and now it's time for some star trek and new wristlets for my nudge. meanwhile, have a sneak peak of monday's new listing!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

new pixie bonnet


My darling nudge was kind enough to model for me(: And because you've stopped my and read this, have a coupon code. PIXIE will take off 20% of your entire order- come visit and enjoy!

i don't understand violence. i really, really don't. my sister and i saw a couple fighting in a parking lot today. i kept an eye on things- and then it got physical. the man started shoving and shaking her inside the car- they stepped out and it continued. i got out of my car- my sister stayed with my nudge in the backseat- and got the man's attention. he was so angry, it didn't matter that i- and then two other people- were there. it didn't matter that their two children were there. the anger and the violence won over.
i don't know if there is something more i could have done- the ordeal lasted about fifteen minutes, and ended with her taking the car and the children and him getting a ride back to work with the other two people- i tried giving her my number and a safe place in the event she and her kiddos needed it, and nothing worked. she wanted to be alone. i wish there was more i could have done. i wish there was some way that i could know they were safe now.
i know i held my husband's hand a little tighter, and hugged my nudge a little harder afterwords.
hug your loved ones and be thankful that they are safe with you.